The theme for February is; feeling transitional. 

“The highest proof of the spirit is love. Love, the eternal thing which can already on earth possess what it really is.” Albert Schweitzer

Being is eternal - yet matter is temporal. Honoring the wisdom and experience of our ancestors, or those that came before us, can make life seem larger and richer. Throughout February, there is a message waiting to be uncloaked. The veil is drawn and what we uncover may unnerve or excite us, depending on where we’re at on this journey, our own personal 2022 path. The 1st of February heralds in the Chinese Lunar New Year, and regardless if you celebrate it or not, the ancient origin of this day, traced back some 3,500 years ago, is rather special to acknowledge. The focus this Lunar New Year is on the confident, fearless, supreme Tiger. 2022 is the year of the Water Tiger, aligning the individual to the masses, connection, adventure, reckless behavior or risk taking. We are in the mood for all types of ‘extremes’ - and the way in which this can play out is for each one of us vastly different. Commitment is paramount, and as Charles Bukowski puts it, ‘if you’re going to try, go all the way’. The Tiger strategies, volunteers and leads from within the group - not with ego - up front and prideful, but with conviction and truth, side by side. A Tiger is attentive to his/her surroundings and makes the most of what they have, regardless of the weather. February is highly mystical and a good tip or skill to utilize to keep ahead of the curve is to clear the mind space and time space - so that you’re not in a rush to do what must be done. 

On the same day as Chinese New Year, we welcome a super charged New Moon in Aquarius, forming a conjunction to Saturn and the Sun. Aquarius is often likened to the goddess who reveals and this lunation will in that same fashion sculpt reality, integrate magical encounters and bridge people in a myriad of creative, unexpected ways. There is a certain reverence for things of worth, and in tune with the New Moon energy, an insight or lesson will ultimately be revealed. On this date, the Moon squares Uranus, making us feel a little tweaked out. This aspect can be unsettling and unreliable, amplifying ego and toxic behavior. It can erupt in many ways; getting too drunk and saying something of poor taste, arguing with an authority figure in an immature way or perhaps just expressing yourself in a very vulgar way. The leveler is Venus trine Uranus that can pick up on uneasiness fast - and alter it in enough time, so you manage to fly just under the radar. This transit is unique and impactful, we can embrace love with arms wide open. You can transform elements of the past and be provided with second chances at many things. Aquarius cultivates connection, it understands that there is so much magic in merging with like-minded individuals. Life is not meant to be traversed alone, so on this New Moon unite, reach forth and combine. A relationship that harnesses the mind, just as much as the heart, is something to fight for. 

On the 4th, Mercury stations direct in Capricorn. This signals that the month is really underway, and that the slow, lazy holiday drawl is done for now. The underlying energy plays into Capricorn's need for luxe, refinement and mutual respect. It’s no wonder the cosmic configuration highlights banking, money, business and equity then. Slowly we come back to our senses, we look in the mirror and reflected back to us is our self-perceptive nature. If we have low self esteem and cannot acknowledge our wisdom, others will not acknowledge it. Capricorn understands this at their core, and that is why they’re all for a healthy dose of self-esteem. Mercury in Capricorn shouts - if you’ve got it, flaunt it! All month, we bear witness to a Mars-Venus conjunction in Capricorn. There is emphasis on the 16th, as that is the date the conjunction becomes exact. Remember that song, ‘young hearts, run free’ - this is that moment. Primal, raw - how else can one put it?  All this emotion, naturally, can take us to the edge. This transit is unusually long and invites a perpetual ceremony of the heart, because of this, whatever does arise can feel like really hard work. This sacred conjunction will be felt again around the 6th/7th of March, stringing together pieces of the puzzle that may not be up for discussion just yet. One thing is clear, we’re about to be humbled, in the most deeply human way - and it is both beautiful and harrowing. It will take courage and real intimacy to get down to the ‘whole’ - the real, messy, naked origin - where compassion flows first to ourselves and then wider, further, to all others. On the 11th, Mercury conjuncts Pluto reminding us not to buy into the bullshit. Being too comfortable, to the point of contorting yourself to please others is straight up selling your soul - it's not worth it. The energy on this date will be palpable, and you can feel truly empowered if you choose your own innate knowing - your own gut instinct that gives you grit - that thing that sets you apart.

A Full Moon in Leo rises on the 16th (17th for us in Aus at 3.56AM), broadcasting its own individual program. God, I love Leo for that - they’re loud and expressive, wildly rooted to their own intelligence. This lunation forms a quincunx to Pluto, so be prepared for transformation in love, sex, union and friendship. It can feel highly emotional - as if the cosmic forces are really trying to ‘fire up’. People in our lives may be keen to act, react, reconcile or recoil - there’s a lot of work required right now to find a balanced, fair compromise for all. Fixed signs can feel the effect of this moon the most, and the two weeks prior can be potent with subliminal messages or signs that the universe wants you to pick up on. It will be necessary for all signs to leave something at the proverbial altar, something that you are willing to leave behind - to forgo - in order to restore harmony to your personal peace. It doesn’t require the same thing for everyone - some people may be choosing to focus on health, while others may be directing their energies on forgiving. It’s a very much ‘pick your poison’ type of lunation - you’re in charge - but you’ve got to let go. With Leo, everything comes at a price, especially when it's opposing the Aquarius Sun who perceives freedom as necessity. Jupiter makes a sextile to Uranus on the 17th, thriving in the eccentric. On the 19th, the Sun enters dreamy, ethereal Pisces. We are in for a surreal trip, as Jupiter and Neptune combine with the Sun abducting our logic and turning us a little (or a lot) frantic. You cannot tame Pisces energy, it is free, natural - tempestuous. It wallows in silence, undisturbed by the tranquility it feels when it is alone. Here is where the magic happens. Lean into its vibration by meditating, astral traveling, dancing, singing, digging and diving. Analysation of all kinds is pronounced now, be guided by your heart - soul - spirit. Let it carry you along, as Pisces does. As the month draws to a close, we may desire to show up for our one on one relationships with honesty and humility. There is a certain grace that comes from fulfilling your ‘role’ and we may all be looking at ways to become better parents, partners and friends. On the 27th, Pluto merges with Venus, Mars, the Moon and Vesta (one of the largest asteroids and in mythology; known as the goddess of home) in a Capricorn Stellium. A stellium is when 3 or more planets combine in one sign, meaning we are heavily influenced by the traits Capricorn possess. This transit can feel intense, like an awakening - especially for people born in 1988/89 as they often have Capricorn stellium in their personal chart. Dimensions are stretched, inner excavation is required if we wish to heal old wounds. Shadow work is adult work - it asks everything of you. True intentions are revealed at the end of February; be open to severing old cords and strings attached. This is vital work, and if you’re lucky enough you’ll come to unearth why you have to disown that competitive, petty, clueless ego side of the psyche. The metaphorical death can only give birth when you’re ready to open the windows and let the shimmering light in. Yes, feel the deep sense of conscious connection, love and hope - be comforted by the (in)tangible. 

May your cup runneth over in all possible ways on all types of days. 


Aries: March 21 - April 19

A spontaneous invitation gets you thinking, Aries. Things happen slowly, then all at once this month, as you’re guided by Mars, your ruler, in logical and masculine Capricorn. It can be a good time to network, to focus on business goals and to pursue new interests with a little more vigor than you’re used to. February is special for most fire signs, and for you especially, as you draw closer to a defining moment in love or romance. Something you’ve been waiting a long time for has finally arrived, and the excitement is enhanced with the planetary aspects of forward motion. A New Moon in Aquarius occurs on the 1st, in your 11th house of socializing, merging with Saturn and the Sun. You are fair-minded and tend to see all sides to a matter that is brought before you. It would be wise not to gossip now, as it's obvious that whatever is said, will get back to the person in question. Friendships are polarizing this month, and you are pulled between two people or maybe three. The more you have invested in someone, the more this New Moon will show you - especially with the Moon square Uranus transit on the same day, that sneaky background info always has a way of emerging. Aquarius is generally hopeful however, so can leave you feeling held and seen by those closest to you.

Early on in the piece, you look to assert your position within a relationship, company or collaboration. Some questions can’t be answered though until you’ve done your own bout of experimenting. When Mercury moves direct on the 4th, in Capricorn and your ambitious 10th house of career, you’ll see why it’s so important for you to rephrase what you seek. Mercury in Capricorn is direct and follows the general rule - why not? If there is something particularly intriguing, they’ll try it regardless of their know-how. There is an upbeat, creative feel that is reinvigorated by a specific project or new acquaintance. As usual, Mercury direct signals a green light ahead - no need to slow down now, pick up the pace instead. Throughout Aquarius season you come to realize the unlimited mind is a dangerous thing, so many people are in fact invested to their ‘limits’. They need them so they can hang back and slip through. You’re not cut from this cloth, and you’re keen to get ahead especially if you see others squandering away their opportunity. Venus and Mars are in close contact all month, letting you look at love from outside of society’s box. This conjunction between the two, lasts longer than usual, and can evolve even the most luke-warm couples. The frequency this transit omits deeply merges the feminine and masculine polarities in our personal stories. Many of you are committed to a person or partnership that through time has sharpened your view on erotisiscm and tenderness. Being with them may make you feel simultaneously like you are home and in the midst of an adventure all at once. This can be unnerving at times, mostly when the ego gets in the way and tells you to run - that it's safer doing it alone. You alone, are redesigning your path forward, and you’ve made significant steps toward this breakthrough (of breaking generational trauma) you may be currently residing in. A Full Moon in Leo, opposes the Aquarius Sun on the 16th, occurring in your playful, tender 5th house. The 5th house leans into this ‘unconditional’ mind frame you’re in, but it can also separate from the spirit of the moment and play into immaturity, gas-lighting and jealousy. That is because each house has a dark side, and this one dwells on the fact that sometimes we sacrifice too much for those we love. Because of this, mid to late month will feel very creative, intense and symbolic - among the array of pleasurable things you enjoy in your life - there are a handful of hedonistic pursuits that you’d be better to avoid. On the 27th, a Capricorn stellium dedicates time and energy to family interactions. You may be keen to challenge authority or tradition now, but it's best to express your independence in different, more healthy ways. No need for drama, your family is there to support you. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 7th, 17th, 21st, 28th.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

There is something rather symbolic to February, Taurus. You are in a very holistic state of mind, expressing yourself in a strong and secure way. The situation you find yourself in is something to be proud of, because you’ve managed to avoid abrupt endings or increased awkward tension between you and a third party. A New Moon in Aquarius merges with your 10th house of ambition on the 1st of the month, considering ways in which you can make more cash. You’re proactive in business, and have put all your eggs in one basket - the way in which things will unfold begin to divy up from this early start-point of February. If you’ve been keen for some time to make a few waves in your career, watch out for the reactivity of business partners or superiors. This lunation encourages and supports you in making headway on specific goals, but they’ve got to be well thought out. Mercury stations direct on the 4th, reminding you it's a good time to re-engage with your health journey. The motto here is to; go slow. After all, the conjunction to Saturn can feel restrictive at the best of times - and when the Moon squares Uranus, the rebellious energy can manifest a situation so that you have no other option BUT to slow down. Long term vision will require you to stick to your responsibilities, no matter how arduous they may seem. Venus your ruler, stationed direct on the 30th of January, integrating a few lessons you learnt over the summer/winter holiday season. Love has been ideal, the kind of stuff they write fairy tales about. You have felt held and supported - especially if you’re dating a Fire or Earth sign partner. 

All month, Venus and Mars move in conjunction in your 9th house, helping you to develop more of an objective stance on the art of ‘detachment’. You’re considering taking a moment alone, to catch your breath and make sure that other people's feelings aren’t coloring yours to match how they feel for you. For the most part, sex and intimacy is straightforward - you’re not playing any guessing games. The energy mid-month is vibrant and flirtatious, with your more dominant side showing face. The 9th house is representative of ‘light beings’ and people who take it upon themselves to do the work, spreading generosity and wisdom wherever they go. A Full Leo Moon rises on the 16th in your 4th house of family and personal belongings, highlighting the need to refine your home space or execute a tough conversation with a house-mate or sibling. This lunation illuminates feelings that need to be brought out into the open, so somewhere in your life, you’ll be addressing security/stability. The need to ‘nest’ can be overwhelmingly strong, and the people you stumble upon feel karmic - as if sent to show or explain something to you. Pisces season begins on the 20th directing you toward a high frequency portal. In Astrology, Taurus and Pisces resonate positively and these next 4 weeks will gradually open you to a new reality. It can be something as big as birth, death, divorce or marriage. The concept is large in nature, and generally needs teamwork to support it. Focus on drawing out the good, in every situation.

Dates to watch; 1st, 2nd, 10th, 18th, 20th, 22nd, 27th.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

You find it easier to speak from your heart now, Gemini. February shapes up to be an important month, helping you to envision what exactly it is you require from those around you. You’ve enjoyed this rest, review and reflection, the symbolic ‘dark night of the soul’ that January often is. The time has come to implement some of the discoveries you have made. Mercury, your ruler, is set to station direct on the 4th, in the sign of Capricorn, setting aside some questions of comparison you hold of yourself so you can focus on the answers only you can give. Capricorn has a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ that resonates with you - there is something in their DNA that makes sense to you, and luckily this month has so much of their compact, logical energy, you will be able to lean into the elements you’re drawn to and take what you can from certain behaviours and attitudes. On the 1st, a New Moon appears in your 9th house, where it merges with Saturn and the Sun in Aquarius, adding a certain mysticism to what is possible early on this month. Ask a question and watch the universe bring you an answer, often and especially in your sleep. The 9th house can feel deeply human and intensely spiritual, expect your soul to act like a mirror - showing what is going on inside - radiating back positivity when you relearn how magical you are - and how much it recoils when you place emphasis on comparison. Aquarius is liberated and refreshed by simply not giving a fuck - by trusting in their own moral compass - that is the moral to this lunation, to take what you can from that teaching and live it out in your own way daily. 

On the 11th, Mercury conjuncts Pluto leaving you in limbo. It’s best to ease into romance or renewed friendship slowly, as there is a sense the wool has been pulled over your eyes - or as if you’re not really getting the whole picture just yet. Regardless, your outlook is positive and career matters are on the upswing - especially if you’ve been interviewing for a job or looking for options. On the 14th, Mercury moves into Aquarius shifting you toward a more introspective mood. There is a certain humility to Aquarius season, and it resonates deeply with you, because you share the same air element. When you set your heart right, everything else follows. Changes to your internal dialogue could help reshape a wayward romantic relationship - perhaps, you’re just overthinking it? Putting too much thought behind an individual's action may bring you down the rabbit hole, what is there is no reasoning? Venus and Mars dance together all month, exposing secrets related to sex, passion, past flirtations. You may accept a last minute invitation that sets the tone for the rest of the year, socially. Art, music, beauty and the desire for knowledge are potentials of this transit and you may attempt to stretch yourself to fill in for the gaps missing when out with people. Stay focused on what you need to achieve career wise, instead of worrying (or making up) about things that probably won’t even happen! A very, fulfilling powerful Full Moon in Leo shifts into your 3rd house on the 16th, enchanting a certain thought. This house rules intuitive communication, so you may ‘take the words’ from someone's mouth, or morally be obliged to tell the truth to a friend or foe in question. There are a few vague possibilities that can begin to take shape after the Full Moon, yet you’re not particularly concerned about red flags you notice. At home, you may be downsizing or managing family burdens. On the 27th, a Capricorn stellium sees potential in a hobby or personal project begun 2020. Be patient with yourself if you keep cycling back to the same outcome - mentally visualise the goal realised and you’ll be one step closer in reality. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 11th, 16th, 18th, 22nd, 28th.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Don’t waste a minute more worrying about what could happen, Cancer. You did enough of that in January, leave it in the past and focus on personal fulfilment that comes from having your home in order - yourself in check. These next few weeks of the Sun in Aquarius signal that a serious conversation is about to take place - and it is required, simply to clarify that you and another are on the same page. You will brainstorm and socialise, pursuing the goal you have in mind. A New Moon arrives on the 1st, in Aquarius and your 8th house of mystery and intimate dealings. Making a square to Uranus in Taurus, finances can come up short and unexpectedly develop into something much more sinister. In tune with a friend not paying you back but spending up big or being taken for a ride by a company or airline - this lunation may leave a bad taste in your mouth when it comes to what you feel you’re owed. Money matters and shared accounts come under this 8th house umbrella, and it can be hard to remain objective - especially when you feel like misgivings are occurring under your roof. Rushing or forcing anything at this lunation only tends to backfire, fast - so try a softer approach when speaking with people. Preparation is a big part of the month and it in turn stirs up the need for a little self-honesty. Be prepared to respond to the changing conditions, especially the ones that stem from within. Mercury stations direct on the 4th, helping you ease back into career and professional life. There is something profound going on with your work, yet if you lack mental balance or are unprepared with a response, your chances to fulfil this dissipate. 

Venus and Mars dance in conjunction around your 7th house, enlightening your love life and turning up the heat, just when you thought there was nothing to heat up! Potential to meet a new partner or strengthen things with a current love is very real. In Capricorn, Mars and Venus provoke restless feelings of indirection if you’ve been second guessing an individual. Flare-ups are likely, but all the more exciting. An Earth or Water sign may prove to be the ultimate lover, as they play into your need for stability. A Full Moon in Leo occurs in your cash related 2nd house on the 16th, assessing where your priorities lie and investigating where all your money is! You’re identifying why you work the way you do - and scrutinising the external events that reinforce you to act in this type of way. The 2nd house themes centre around family wealth, assets, property and your own skills and values. For many of you, this lunation can feel distrustful as if you require some sort of security or possession to cement what’s what in a family unit. That same day, the Venus/Mars energy peaks reverberating your interest in a challenging love affair. As you complete a cycle, a new one is beginning. Pisces season enters the picture on the 20th, helping you resonate more toward your empathic and tender side. Delays in business could bring something better along, so don’t get side-tracked by changing circumstances. On the 26th, a stellium in Capricorn, your opposite sign, hits you like a ton of bricks. It can feel like a high, holy event - full of wonder, full of chaos. The cardinal energy of the month pivots you into a new set of pathways, naturally captivating you and connecting you to like minded friends. Adapt, all things will unlock in their own time. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 2nd, 12th, 16th, 20th, 21st, 26th.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Let the truth of your dreams possess you completely, Leo. February is about thinking out of the box, utilising the opposing energy of Aquarius and proving to yourself that you can be everything you set out to be. Even if you don’t feel the ‘homecoming’ energy crystallising this month, know that the energies are working on an even deeper level for you to form valuable, learning experiences. The month begins with an interesting Aquarius New Moon on the 1st, merging with Saturn and the Sun. Occurring in your 7th house of relationships, this transit will have you feeling differently about a partner or romantic interest. The Moon makes a square to Uranus on this date, and can override some of the more generalised 7th house vibrations that often denote intensity and intimacy. If you are single or in the midst of a break up, this journey can be more about self-love and self-worth than putting someone on a pedestal. Aquarius has the same fixed energy as you, so you will feel the essence of this lunation very strongly. It’s wise not to over-react to a lover now, and perhaps give each other some breathing room if need be. Mercury moves direct on the 4th, helping you engage back with work and business negotiations. An offer could resurface rather promptly, but if you’re unsure, delay decisions until you’ve got a gut feeling. If something or someone makes you feel bad, move on! It’s that easy. Mars and Venus engage all month in Capricorn, letting you discover where (or who) your passions are tied too. They animate your 6th house of health and work, making you compete against acquaintances for a job.Themes related to substance in love versus the chaos of excited entanglement are at the forefront of your mind. You try and dominate a lover but may not be prepared for their response, one this is for certain Capricorn, cardinal energy is going to tell you how it is. Regardless if you’re ready for it! 

The special news of the month is the Full Moon on the 16th in your 1st house and your sign (!!), ramping up attention with all eyes firmly placed on you. You are redirected to balance, to restoring peace for your inner equilibrium. You know that as soon as you feel off, the people around you notice it, so this time will be very poignant if you’ve been struggling with issues surrounding health, mental wellness or physical angst. It’s possible you seek some sort of resolution or closure regarding a toxic, past situation with a Water or Air sign. The 1st house is highly personal and can make you look around for a bit of reassurance, a friend or past partner may help you view yourself in an unusual light. Whatever comes to pass around the dates of the 16th, 17th and 18th, will truly feel illuminating. You’ll mull over career opportunities, personal image and 2022 goals while the 1st house is activated. Your love life may feel combatiative later in the month, and you’re surprised by someone's audacity to speak words they know nothing about. So much of your life is lived in a very secretive, internal space - one where you’re perhaps much more sensitive and emotional than you lead on to believe. Once Pisces season begins on the 20th, your 8th house is accentuated. Life may feel strangely poetic, as if everything that is happening has a tinge of mystery. The pace of life may quicken, while Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces bring forth a sense of perceptive understanding. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 7th, 10th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 23rd.

VirgoAugust 23 - September 22

You’ve got a lot of juggling going on, Virgo. Take on board only what is yours throughout February, so you don’t burn yourself out! Early on in the month, your ego may be tied to career progress, business projects or getting ahead of co-workers. This is because the Sun is traversing through the 6th house of organisation, health, routine and mental wellness. Faith can return with this 6th house energy, and the doubts you’ve held over a certain situation may be lifted now. A New Moon in Aquarius merges with the Sun and Saturn on the 1st, moving into this same area. You could be more critical than usual in your thinking, or perhaps you’re trying to compartmentalise all the things you’re going through. A partner or romantic love may be going through something personally challenging, and you would have to step up for them in a big way at this time. It’s evident that whatever occurs, you’re not ‘alone’ in the situation, but very much a part of a group, a tribe or a family environment. Mercury your ruler stations direct on the 4th, placing you back in the driver's seat. You rise to meet a situation in business with increased clarity, but spiritually may feel a little resistance showing up in your intimate life. Until the 14th, Mercury transits the playful and expressive 5th house, smoothing out any kinks you’ve got with siblings, parents or children. Conversation is light and fun, and there can be very cheeky banter going back and forth if in the courting phase of a relationship. 

Mars and Venus make it work in Capricorn all month, dancing around your 5th house. Children are a big topic, yours or someone else’s. It is possible you’re thinking of having them, or recently had one! The drive behind your self-confidence leans toward accepting and honouring your femininity, masculinity - and the tightrope we all walk, in trying to merge the two together with some sort of personal expression. You may be feeling a very real attraction to a partner, regardless of how much time has passed. Playing it safe is very much a benchmark for Capricorn, and yourself, being two, security orientated earth signs - but this transit asks you to dig deeper than that - and to really risk it for what you desire. On the 11th, Mercury conjuncts Pluto, making you keenly aware of skills you may be lacking to progress in a creative field or hobby. Jupiter in Pisces, your opposite sign is teaching you a few lessons on how to lighten the load. Jupiters magic defies the ordinary, and it just so happens it loves to be in the deep water of Pisces. You can make a lasting impression now, especially on a female superior. You put such added pressure on yourself to constantly appease everyone - this transit is here to chuck out the controlled measures and to enhance more of who you unashamedly are. A Full Moon in Leo shifts into your spiritual, reflective 12th house on the 16th, giving you a moment to stop and receive. Sit with your unexplored feelings and dive deep into sensitivities. This lunation very much serves as a mirror, and sometimes it can be hard to look truthfully at your own image. Pisces season begins on the 20th, increasing magnificence, bounty and magnitude. You’re more willing to shift perspective and dreams or premonitions may be eerily accurate. The cardinal energy follows the month right to the end, when a stellium in Capricorn occurs on the 27th, harmonising with your diplomatic nature. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 3rd, 13th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 27th.

LibraSeptember 23 - October 22

You know just what needs to happen next, Libra. The mood of the month can feel inherently reflective, as if you’ve got some things to work through. Delays or cancellations to socialising can bring secret relief, yet you’re unsure why you feel that way. This introverted period of the year leaves you feeling rather homebound - and uncomfortable with the unfamiliar. Venus retrograde throughout January brought some chaos to your home and romance life, but February connects tenderly with Mars in Capricorn in your 4th house of domestic life, merging with Venus all month. You will be more driven toward the home environment and your quality of life may be encouraging you to take more ‘me’ time than usual. Relationships which have stalled over the Christmas period pick back up now, and your affections for those in your circle are heightened by something they say or do. A New Moon in Aquarius merges with Saturn and the Sun in your playful 5th house, highlighting a sweet surprise that a lover or child gives you. You feel confident and generous, and the Aquarius theme leans into mindful action. Business collaborations and creative outlets come under this 5th house umbrella, and you’ll feel more daring than usual to show off your work or some sort of artistic hobby. Thoughts can swirl around starting your own family, or if you even truly want one. Each person has a unique path in life, don’t succumb to a ‘one side fits all’ mould. If in love, this lunation may make you feel like moving quickly! 

Mercury stations direct on the 4th, stimulating career goals. The cardinal energy felt all month is good for settling legalities, property sales and financial questions. The forward momentum of the planets has you grounded and goal-orientated, before you know it birthday season will be upon you. The Full Moon in Leo peaks in your social 11th house on the 16th of the month, boosting your need to connect with other people. If you’ve felt slow and somber, this now all changes as you merge to be included. A friend may give an unsophisticated viewpoint to a tough situation, but your past experience with them reminds you they’re coming from a good place. A skill of yours is bringing people together, and that may be on your agenda momentarily as you plan some sort of gathering. A Fire or Earth sign fuse to your inner circle leaving a big impact on you. It’s wise to remember that when you envision something and act on it, the law of attraction ignites it to take place. The cosmic forces awaken a dream inside of you, and the people around you are inclined to help make it happen. You can’t keep a low profile with this Moon, so don’t even try, instead reach out for maximum connection. The Mars/Venus conjunction is strengthened on the day of the Full Moon, reminding you not to neglect yourself and your priorities amidst this friend orientated time. The end of the month can be about simplifying or cutting out, as you transition to a different home, city or state. You might be dealing with feelings of completion and this is highlighted by the Capricorn stellium that occurs over two days, on the 26th and 27th. Changes to your internal world may bring up old feelings or memories, but you are mature enough to accept them and move on. The stable nature of Capricorn collects you into its arms, and paves the way for more support - the best kind that comes from your own heart and head. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 4th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 28th.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Acknowledge your strengths, and play to them, Scorpio. February is full of karma and magic, now that the lunar nodes have turned into your sign, where they oppose Taurus. The next year and a half is all about the surrender, the release - the drop that comes from knowing when to stand up from the table that no longer serves you any nourishment. You will come to understand that the mystical path you follow is fully steeped in the ordinary, routine moments that you place emphasis on. Day by day things may seem the same, but when you look back, everything has changed. Don’t settle for scraps - now that you are engaged in the process of the Nodes, it's best to remain vigilant and hyper aware of where and who you give power away too. A New Moon appears on the 1st, in Aquarius, in your 4th house of family relations and home life. Merging with Saturn and the Sun, you feel the triple threat of these planets emphasising its time to focus on your most loved ones. You may hear good news from a friend or family member about a birth or impending marriage. The spotlight celebrates connection and admiration, especially for those that came before you - and that make your life story compelling in the way it is. Family is at the forefront of the 4th house, so for many of you visiting home near and far seems to be on the agenda. You’re curious and keenly ready to explore some of the inner workings of your psyche. Mercury stations direct on the 4th, refining communications and giving the green light to on-going negotiations.

 From the 14th, Mercury moves into your 3rd house of communication, where it feels blissfully comfortable. How you speak and how you treat others in your vicinity is now a major matter, and a look over your business reputation may be required by a superior or authority figure at work. The 3rd house can feel like sensory overload often, with many insignificant things pretending to be more than they are. You could be seriously overthinking a partner or romance, try not to nag or fuss too much, if it's just a restless passing feeling and nothing more sinister. A Full Moon lights up the sky on the 16th, in Leo - shifting into your 10th house of ambition. You’ve turned a new page in terms of your public life, and all eyes are on you and what you’re unveiling throughout 2022. This can be a very busy time, where you tie up loose ends but internally feel scattered or confused. You may be getting recognised for your vocation or status at this time. It’s required to take the lead in the 10th house, so muster up the courage to fake it - even when you feel you can’t. This lunation is fiery and can manifest itself in endings of sorts with a collaborator or business partner - be careful what you wish for at this time. Intellectual stimulation from a partner is how to reach you now, and you may prefer good banter to good sex. Venus and Mars engage all month in Capricorn, helping you to tend to a lover's needs and wants. Pisces season begins on the 19th, tugging at your heart strings with bouts of nostalgia. The final piece to the month is the Capricorn stellium activated on the 27th, transferring your dreams to solid plans. Capricorn doesn’t mess around, and neither do you, so this energy will work well for you, placing you right at the altar of self-transformation. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 10th, 15th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 22nd, 27th.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Explore what’s outside of your comfort zone, Sagittarius. February is bold and forward moving, so don’t waste time procrastinating as the energy can greatly further action, however small. You’re feeling strong toward your New Year intentions and those half-measured attempts at health or wellness can now take a back seat. You’re flooded with new ideas thanks to the Aquarius energy which thrives on boldness. The Aquarius New Moon merges with Saturn and the Sun in your 3rd house of communication on the 1st, opening you to a flurry of opportunities in career. You are a highly qualified candidate and if searching for a job or position, it's apparent the luck will swing in your favour. Launching a project close to your heart may have you busy these first two weeks, and there is interesting news that comes from people you do business with. People in your inner circle may look to you as a role model or teacher, and you have evolved spiritually enough to harness that and run with it. Pride and ego are two vastly different things here, it's good to be reminded of your worth. Mercury stations direct on the 4th, aligning the outer world to how you’re feeling on an internal level. From the 15th, Mercury moves into the 3rd house of commutation, integrating your intuitive nature to the words spoken. There is something curious going on with a friend or partner now, and this transit will lend itself to that - overloading you with the need to ‘comprehend’. If someone has detached from you, it will be a good time to sit face to face and speak honestly and openly. 

Mars and Venus are conjunct all month, traversing your 2nd house of finances and skill set. Your energy and drive is increased momentarily by cash and the luxury life most of you love to live. There is a desire to remain independent from a partner or family unit, and this assertive behaviour only gets people talking. You are protective of your money (and operation) - and accustomed to a certain lifestyle of wealth/luxury. Regardless of how you’re living there is something lavish to it that differentiates you from the rest of the public. As Mars and Venus are so tightly entwined, this energy of ‘keeping it to myself’ can seep into relations and have others questioning if you really want to merge with them in the ‘traditional’ sense. A Full Moon in fiery Leo appears on the 16th in your 9th house of philosophy and travel, the same day the Venus/Mars conjunction peaks. If you’re the type who wants to keep a low profile, you’ll notice that this lunation gets you noticed regardless of what you wish. There is a beacon of knowledge around this lunation shining bright, helping you to assert independence within the 9th house that evolves into something much bigger. On the 17th, Jupiter, your ruler in Pisces makes a sextile to Uranus, transforming certain anxieties into routine day activities. You may be mulling over family drama or reflecting on patterns that make you pull the same behaviour over and over again. On the 26th, a stellium in Capricorn merges toward self-care and self-respect. You push forward with plans that have your best interest at heart! 

Dates to watch; 1st, 2nd, 12th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 22nd, 26th, 27th.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Follow your heart, Capricorn. Harmony comes in February from letting someone else take the lead, or perhaps giving in just a little - just enough for someone to see your vulnerabilities. A New Moon in Aquarius merges with Saturn and the Sun in your financial 2nd house, bringing in the opportunity to make more money and accentuate the skills that garner you big reputation. You’ve got a strong intuition for business, and this house may have a desire to re-group. A momentary calibration is built on consistency, from both sides, don’t get it twisted! Superiors have to know what you’re worth - what you give to the narrative. On this lunation it's best not to ruminate on what you should have said or done - especially in terms of business and prolonged, creative endeavours. The frequency of Aquarius is internally sensitive (at times obsessive), so you may feel unsettled at the beginning of the month. As if everything and everyone you meet is keeping something from you. The central concept of the 2nd house is to go back to the drawing board with humility - grace. Expecting that sometimes we’re all checked in on. Mercury stations direct on the 4th in your sign, giving you the green light to charge ahead. You’ll have love and relationships on the brain, and you may be seeking something more serious than you have in your past. You’re more observant than usual, speaking up on matters close to your heart. The 1st house is prominent, even if there is no lesson to learn - you’ll come to notice the links that bind one environment from the other, somewhat seamlessly. You may be revaluing appearance, image and reputation now, people who have gossip aren’t afraid to use it! Whatever makes a good story, sells. 

A Full Moon in Leo lights up the sky on the 16th in your 8th house of intimacy and mystery, helping you to shift away from stagnant feelings or challenging situations you keep looping back into. There can be some sort of internal shift or epiphany that wakes you from your stupor. It's possible to make more money now or receive a payment or sale that you’ve long been expecting. Love life is improving as you get to know a lover more, and sharing information has its own type of ownership. It's been a long time since you’ve felt claimed by another, but around this date, this is exactly what happens. All month, Venus and Mars are joined closely in your sign, meaning romance is hot and sensual. Traversing through your 1st house of image and mannerism you come across charming and playful. Anything you want now you can have, especially because this transit takes longer than usual, immersing your character into the story you so want to be a part of. Eyes are on you, but who you pay attention to may shock and surprise those who know you. The good thing about Capricorn is; they’re always onto the newest latest. They need layers to peel back, so the more someone looks like they don’t expect, the more they’re intrigued. Pisces season begins on the 20th, making you more tolerant to the people around you. Dreams come in hot and heavy, often centering around the things you use as protection. With Venus, Mars and Vesta in your sign all month, it's evident the energy is geared toward making you feel alive. This is furthered by the stellium in your sign, taking place on the 26th and 27th of the month. The end of the month feels supremely powerful, not just to you, but those conducive to the karma they share with you. It can feel claustrophobic, especially if you’re trying to forget about certain people who are so closely linked to your ‘old self’. This stellium has one thought; be true to your core - it wont let you bend and snap for any, old wallflower. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 14th, 15th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 26th, 27th.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Roll with the punches, Aquarius. After all, February is your birthday month, the most special time of year even when it feels a little skitz! There is much to observe from those around you - and conquering self-imposed limitations will be the thing you need to focus on most. A progressive New Moon occurs in your 1st house of image/personality and self, on the 1st, merging with the Sun and Saturn. The energy is powerful and it's solely focused around you - do you need to reinvent who you are to break free from a mould? Has a friend or business partner pigeon holed your ambition? Has an ex forged your path by spreading lies and rumours about you? You’re motivated to set the record straight, no matter what stands in the way. Mercury stations direct on the 4th, giving the green light for travel plans and settling financial issues. On the 14th, Mercury enters your sign, doubling the engaging energy that makes you more appealing, open and attractive. You know how to talk the talk now. The confidence you pose with Mercury in your sign ups you front and centre, open for renewal in business, arts or intimacy. Really the way you play it is up to you, it's understandable you feel cocky. On the 2nd, Venus makes a parallel to the Sun, heating up matters of the heart, emotionally clicking the refresh button, especially if you’ve been down the dumps about someone moving on and moving out. All month, Venus and Mars conjunct in Capricorn, embracing emotion and empathy - helping you to seek out the gentle and kind hearted. You may be hung up on an old flame now, and you begin to think, if its been all these years - maybe there’s something serious to it?! 

Others tend to follow your lead now, but there is so much going on behind the scenes mentally, you don’t even realise the patterns and projections people resonate with, Bonding with family is favoured and a younger sibling or child may come to you for wisdom or confirmation. A Full Moon in Leo, your opposite sign, lights up the night and your 7th house of committed love and partnership on the 16th. You’re more confident and attentive to a lover, but there may be something surprising or difficult about your union that comes up under this lunation. Venus and Mars peak on this date, heightening feelings and stirring your erotisicim. Intimacy doesn’t just come from sex, it also comes from listening and understanding - are you ready to embrace the truths a lover is speaking.You may feel obsessive when ruminating on the words that have been spoken over the last two weeks but its important not to be triggered! Everyone has their own version of truth. A way to make money becomes apparent now and you may bring people together by pressuring a deal. Take the lead, it's what Leo expected from you. Pisces season begins on the 20th, shifting the energy to more sensitive and surreal. You wave goodbye officially to your birthday for another year, and move through a period of transition. On the 27th, a Capricorn stellium plays into the strong Cardinale energies in the foreground and helps to organise your success. Things don’t often follow a linear timeline in Capricorn, but if you adjust with hands on heart - breathing in, the divine flow runs through you, simplifying the revelations. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 4th, 10th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 27th.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Don’t promise anything you don’t need to, Pisces. Mostly because it's really not required of you, especially not through the birthday (brat) season - where you say many things but really only mean half of them. You play the friendly card all too often, seemingly slipping through the cracks, confirming to others that you’re not even sure what you’re here for (or are you?). But the reality is - you are a threat - and your ‘confused outlook’ is always a tactical, conniving game. A New Moon occurs on the 1st in your spiritual 12th house, merging with Saturn and the Sun in Aquarius. You’re rejuvenating old plans and dreams, while questioning your desire for what you have in front of you. Situations may be demanding but you seek to keep the peace, biting your tongue when you really want to say something else. It’s a time for emotional renewal and your dreams may feel psychic, perhaps hosting conversations with parents, siblings or ex’s in your sleep that feel wildly real. There is a sense of ‘settling’ something very uneasy within your life, so the refreshment can feel appealing or as if it comes at the right time. Mercury stations direct on the 4th, fast tracking a career decision. Collaborative endeavours may reinforce the need to look within, to be able to pull something really personal from the internal void. You have good energy to negotiate with so many planets in forward motion, so if it's worth more to you, fight for it! 

Mars and Venus merge in Capricorn all month, lending a very poetic energy to your love life. The conjunction is sweet and tender, moving your relationships with friends and family to a deeper, more intoxicating level. The projections people have of you are now also widely debated, yet you remain yourself - unshaken by their efforts to undermine. The 11th house of socialising doesn’t bring you much pleasure, so you prefer to steal time with one or two close friends and joke about the good old days. Venus gives you confidence, Mars gifts you sex appeal - if an idnivdaul has been on your mind, now is the time to call their phone! A Leo Full Moon occurs on the 16th in your holistic and serious 6th house of health and wellbeing. There is a turning point in your personal life coming, especially if you’ve been neglecting personal health by pulling all nighters or depletive food benders when you’ve got an inflammatory issue. A boss may be treating you unfairly or requiring more of your effort and approval. You will associate emotions and moods to the upswing in career now, and it can be a very tight rope to walk - as deriving gratification from something out of yourself only leads to turmoil. On the 19th, birthday time heralds in expansion and magic, as Neptune and Jupiter meet the Sun in your sign. Receiving attention doesn’t feel uncomfortable to you, but you’ll have to mitigate peoples expectations of you and how much you can offer them. A Fire or Earth sign believes you are worthy and may be proposing an idea, offer or collaboration to you. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 7th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 28th.