The train is getting ready to depart the station, yes, 2021 is almost over. Here we stand, sickened by division and uncertainty, ready to merge and unite. We transform into whatever we have absorbed over the last 11 months. What did you choose? Fear or Love? We have all incarnated into this space and time - we choose to be here! This is our reality, but our reality is adaptable, interchangeable, dynamic and alternating. December is Sagittarius season, known for its ‘right brain’ activity manifestation, showing up in real time as themes to do with philosophy, the meaning of ‘life’ and expansion. It’s influence can feel chaotic, like we’re treading water and it's true the past 4 weeks have been intense! Not just for some people, but for all people. 

The month begins on the 1st, when Neptune, ruler of Pisces, God of the Sea, finally stations direct. Neptune is deception - and can play out as ego death/soul retrieval - showing up as the many faces of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, surrender, celebration and service. It’s 5 month retrograde moves rapidly, antagonising us with its whirlpool of emotion. But, Neptune also offers revolution - which can be sensed in this day and time - spiritually conspiring against the status quo and a world devoid of ‘true meaning’. Step forward, toward the light and let Neptune’s illusionary power fall behind you. *  * The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 4th serves as a preparation - an initiation of sorts - to get to the core of our heart, our soul - our essential truth. Neptune is activated and awake now, so we’re in search of sense, hoping it shows us how to surrender. Fast moving situations tear away what we don’t need - yet our mind - our ego cannot catch up fast enough. We’re hurt, angry, broken - we think, scrap that - we FEEL as though we do NEED IT. We must have it in order to get ahead. How powerful the ego can feel in these moments ‘surrender’ is required - invisible forces are at work, yet we’re so self absorbed we barely feel it. The experience can leave us feeling unhinged - but it’s all part of a process. A cycle within a cycle - the Sagittarius/Gemini eclipse axis cycle began back in May 2020, much has taken place from then to now. This Solar Eclipse/New Moon in wise Sagittarius (along with the Sun + Mercury) is the final piece of the puzzle - it leads us to the very spot we currently stand in. The South Node is activated on this date as is the North Node in Gemini, cementing the fact that in life there are always two sides to the same story. Our desires and core needs are being synthesised - yet from deep within our subconsciousness, fears and phobias are breaking through, trying to shield the magic from occurring. In the end, love conquers all. On the same day a quincunx with Uranus in Taurus, activates a mood of compromise. Instability in the home shapes a person, creating mixed messages later on. Partnerships may need to be adjusted, yet we seek love and affection. Naturally, Taurus thrives on charisma and connection. The cosmic synergy is palpable. 

Mercury in Sagittarius is square to Neptune in Pisces bringing bouts of confusion - what we hear doesn’t match what we see. Action > Reaction can feel fractured - uncomfortable. No one knows if they’re coming or going! Pluto is in its last degrees of Capricorn and on the 8th, Venus will face off with Pluto, predicting a very awkward and intense Venus Retrograde that begins on the 19th. Serious commitments can gain momentum in the early weeks of the month, rocky or unstable romances shift beneath our feet. On the 12th, the Sun squares Neptune in Pisces bringing up sensitive emotions, lack of boundary and ‘victim’ mentality. On the 13th, Mars will enter Sagittarius merging with the Sun. We can feel driven, temperamental and energised by this transit, seeking out bold opportunities. That same day, Mercury moves into Capricorn, organising itself for the upcoming season of the Goat. Capricorn is a very direct messenger, drawn to thoughtful conversation and connection. They require face to face interaction - and are stimulated by circumstances in which they can read the eyes, lips and features of who they’re talking with. 

On the 19th, we have a Full Moon in Gemini opposing the Sagittarius Sun. Individuals with either Gemini / Sagittarius Sun + Moon will feel this lunation most strongly, as an influx of messages overwhelm the current situation they find themselves centre stage in. A Gemini Full Moon will bring up unresolved issues revolving around attachment, friendship and family. Many of us will be wrapping up our year, elated by the ebb and flow that naturally moves around us. Things certainly feel karmic. Venus stations retrograde the next day (until Jan 29th), and is in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn - therefore we can feel a sense of motion - as if the journey we’ve walked long on, is beginning to take shape. We are reaching our destination, and only now do we feel comfortable and capable enough to look back on all that we have perceived. Ex’s and past relationships can resurface; especially ones you have kept thinking about - or kept in contact with. There is a nostalgic quality to life, and most of us will feel a little side-swiped by our emotions. 

On the 24th, the final exact square between unstoppable Saturn and unpredictable Uranus occurs, marking without doubt, one of the most important aspects of the year. The themes expressed by Saturn and Uranus can feel chaotic - life changing - deeply polarising as the peak reaches boiling point. Indeed, this transit is a very BIG deal partly because it happens only every 22 years. Partly because personal freedoms are being subjugated - leaving us to feel as though we're constantly under surveillance. This equation deals with strategic Saturn, the ‘Guardian at the threshold’ -  the planet of boundaries, tough love, life lessons and angst. Uranus is progressive and here will push back against Saturn, by shaking up the traditional narrative we’ve been living for some 100 years. Uranus is known as the ‘Great Awakener’ and will cross the line that is not meant to be crossed. This square influence can act as a prompt for something much larger for each of the 12 signs;

Fire signs - will be able to take advantage of social contacts and conditions. It will pose the question: How high up the ladder are you willing to climb for fame and notoriety? 

Water signs - will arrive at some very logical/illogical conclusions to an ongoing saga. Once you do, you won’t be inclined to change your opinion to suit anyone else. 

Earth signs - will feel confined by family or past experiences that have framed how you view love, sex or intimacy.

Air signs - will attempt to impose your view onto a situation, treading the lonely path of the ‘idealist’. 

Sagittarius leads into Capricorn season (Dec 22nd), the earthy, Saturn ruled, 10th sign of the zodiac. Under the guidance of Capricorn, we seek out ‘healthier’ relationships, focusing on improving ourselves. Capricorn has a tendency toward perfection - focusing on endurance to get them through. They grasp the knowledge that in order to love others, one must first love themselves. Amplified energy will be present in our reality, so it may feel difficult to remain patient and practical. Finally, on the 28th, Jupiter leaves Aquarius, to re-enter the sign of Pisces, a sign it once ruled over. From the 28th of December until May 10th, Jupiter will multiply Pisces mystical and magical qualities, renewing our sense of joy and faith in the world around us. This is because Jupiter is in domicile when it’s in Pisces, naturally feeling very at home here - accentuating themes of spirituality, sensuality and serenity. Pisces is everything and nothing - the common and uncommon - and proves to be a very valuable player in the cosmic dance that occurs in 2022. The Jupiter - Pisces transit can feel like a relief, but works 100x better if we ourselves embrace a positive mindset, knowing full well that we make our own luck. We are in the driving seat of destiny. We are beyond the plot twist. 2022 is shaping up to be a huge year for us as a collective - and we are ALL being called to see how this chain of events began - understand where we fit in - and stand up for what we believe in. The sun rises again. A new day arrives. Always.

Let me leave you with a paragraph I recently read online, it has stuck with me over the last couple of days, reminding me that we are all here to fulfil our own stories.

“Life cannot be told. Telling is only to inspire, to de-mesmerise you from your own self-mesmerism. Every human being has hypnotised himself or herself into their own limitations and they believe this is it. If you undo that hypnotism, they will feel fearful because existence is limitless. Therefore, if they are spinning one way, you have to spin them the opposite way for some time for them to feel they are going somewhere.

The whole Mahabharat is just this effort. No matter what they are doing, everyone thinks they are doing it for the good. Whether it is “my good,” “your good,” someone else’s good, or everyone else’s good – whatever kind of good, everyone thinks they are doing it for the good. But everyone is neither good nor bad, neither right nor wrong – the story just goes on.” ~

Peace, Love and Happy Holidays…


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Rebuilding takes time and patience, Aries. Your energy is strong, open and bold this month. You approach routine life with a little imagination, and the spirit of the festive season helps you get comfortable with reassessing what it is you value. A powerful New Moon Eclipse occurs on the 4th in your 9th house of travel, philosophy and spiritual journey. Your experiences can feel all encompassing now as support from a tight knit circle of friends raises you higher. Over the last 6 months you’ve really taken a moment to look inward, to outline what you love + need and whom you want it from. This realisation has brought you back to core friends, people who’ve always been on your team even when you didn’t notice them. This, therefore, makes December an excellent period for initiating and bringing together larger groups of like-minded people to stimulate and collaborate, bouncing ideas off one another. You are renowned for your powers of connection - lean into that part of yourself. Know that there is enough for everyone to go around. On the 14th Mercury will move into the 10th house - driving you to be more ambitious, more streamlined in your career goals. There is big momentum felt around you, that final push of the year needs you to go hard - to get something that’s been stalling finally off the ground. 

On the 19th, a Full Moon in Gemini will move into your 3rd house, opposing Sagittarius. Your vision is practical, helping you secure the approval and admiration of authority figures where needed. A hobby can be picked up to feature as something much larger in your life throughout 2022, be excited about the prospects that align so naturally. That same day, mighty Chiron, which is traversing through your sign until 2027, goes direct after months retrograde. Wounds and traumas from the past have a chance to be sewn up, and it’s all thanks to you, and the hard work you've done. On the 20th, Venus moves retrograde in Capricorn, where it will stay until late January in your 10th house of career and reputation. Venus is the planet that rules love, so for you this cycle may seem fated or karmic. A relationship will be stripped bare, and you will see what lies behind all the small talk. Can you two really make it work as a couple who goes through all sorts of trials and tribulations? Can you survive the dark days and support them just the same on the days they struggle with? Partners come and go but there is always one special person that poses an interest to you, no matter how much time passes. This individual may be important during this transit, and you may both be experimenting with ways to make a romance work. Regardless of what plays out personally, there is an overall re-evaluation going on for most partnerships - business collaborations will feature most prominently. The month ends with Jupiter moving into Pisces and your 12th house of spirituality and unconscious thought. From the 28th, you will be looking at new ventures to explore - albeit in the privacy of your own home. Pisces brings perspective and Jupiter brings luck, combined we can live with our rose coloured glasses on, and prefer it that way. Ex’s or unresolved dramas in relationships can come back to haunt, especially if they’re earth or water signs. Take it all in your stride, and take only what you need! 

Dates to watch; 1st, 5th, 14th, 21st, 29th.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

If you’re looking for a specific answer, you may be in for quite a surprise, Taurus. As December opens you’re more focused on yourself and how you use your personal powers to get what you want. On the 1st, Neptune stations direct in its home sign, Pisces - a transit that will really work in your favour due to its sensuality and romance. Be careful not to be too disillusioned however, as things can look better than what they really are. On the 4th a New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs in Sagittarius in your mysterious 8th house, merging with Sun and Mercury. Ending the 2020/2021 eclipse series between Gemini and Sagittarius. There is a strong focus on other people’s money, a partner's debt - perhaps an inheritance looms? There is much to decipher in terms of banking, spending and saving. Together, you’re about to traverse a new path, one that draws you far closer than you’ve ever been. It’s really about “firsts”, a first time for owning a house, getting pregnant or perhaps, dividing up assets and funds to go your separate ways. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse that occurred in November felt expansive, broadening your horizons and helping you see a different point of view. It’s possible you agreed to something you may not have 6 months before. This Eclipse energy is staying with you until mid-2023, so feed your spirit through learning, teaching, creating and collaborating. 2022 is big for self expression, and you come more into your own that ever before. 

On the 14th, Mercury moves into Capricorn, highlighting a very grounding, earthy energy in which you feel so comfortable. There is emphasis on the 9th house of philosophy and perspective, helping you compartmentalise. You’re drawn to earth and fire signs who don’t mince words, and can be attracted to someone who’s not afraid of showing you what they desire about you. The 9th house is about ‘big picture’ thinking, so forgive yourself if you’re not attuned to the finer details. There is a lot to look over and you’ve got much on your mind before the holidays begin. Mars joins the Sun in your 8th house, heating up sex, intimacy and passion. If things have been a little lacklustre in these departments, they quickly get hot around this date. You’re excitable and seeking interaction that’s a bit more fiery, even starting little arguments just to see how your partner reacts. On the 19th, a Full Moon shines a light on your finances as it shifts into your 2nd house of money. It’s possible you begin a new project or start the conversation about a new business venture that will take shape in 2022. Your ruler Venus, will station retrograde in the sign of Capricorn on the 20th - reminding you it’s time to spill the beans in love. Matters of the heart can feel tense, so don’t let something go on longer than it should. A Saturn-Uranus square the next day, can get very uncomfortable, and drive fear into areas of life that are on unstable footing. This has been one of the hardest transits of the year to cope with, and because Uranus is in your sign, deeply unsettling. If you lay low and take a time out from friends - you may come off better for it. On the 29th, Jupiter moves into Pisces, where it will stay until May 2022, after a year of back and forth between Aquarius. This date is heavenly and sets the tone for what magic you can experience over the next 5 months. There are always two basic motivating forces in the universe; fear and love. Choose the side of passion, acceptance and abundance. 

Dates to watch; 4th, 6th, 19th, 20th, 25th.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Lighten up, Gemini. Not everything has to be a competition - and you’ll find that this month as the Sun in your opposite sign, Sagittarius spotlights your 7th house of partnerships. One day you’re up, the next you’re down, it’s all rather humorous if you remember to take yourself lightly. Neptune moves direct (1st) after months retrograde in its rulership, Pisces, bringing some nostalgia into your life. You can be focused on reconciliation with a partner in the early days of December - as the universe tries to clear up past karma in order for you two to work. This bodes well then, as on the 4th, a Solar Eclipse presents itself in this same 7th house, merging with Mercury to give it an extra push forward. Your relationship to self is highlighted just as much as your relationship with others in this time - and it’s evident the past 18 months have helped you share more of what your ‘mission’ in this life is. Alternatively, some of you may be seeking advice from friends, in order to get clarity on what other people can see within your circumstances, as you are so compounded by the emotions. Use the power that comes with being a Gemini to successfully manifest what type of lover or love life you wish to have in 2022. A fire sign could be especially important at this time, and they would ultimately lead to a reward. On the 14th, Mars joins this 7th house bringing passion and excitement. This is a cycle where you may lean on others for support and/or have an increased ‘all eyes on me’ feeling. 

On the 19th, a Full Moon in your sign falls into your 1st house -  an incredibly blessed way to end 2021 - very much propelling you to analyse yourself and your surroundings. Your mind may be working overtime to digest and process all that has occurred. This lunation can feel profound as if something just clicks for you in a way that it hadn’t in the past. You finally get why a past ‘hurt’ occurred, why a situation with a friend escalated so rapidly or why a family rift needed time to heal. The opposition to Sagittarius can feel exhausting, and with so much pressure in the personal 1st house, you may just be over audiences/people having a look in. That same day, Chiron in Aries stations direct. You have a new lease on attachment, and it’s quite possible that over the last 5 months, you committed yourself to outlining what you require to feel ‘safe’ within a partnership. The final Saturn-Uranus square is completed on the 24th, do not make any FINAL decisions on and around this date! It will only be detrimental to the future and you may come to regret it as soon as you put it out into the universe. You are transformed by this year, and the eclipses in your sign you’ve endured throughout the last 18 months. Thankfully, 2022/23 will be on the axis of Taurus and Scorpio, offering fresh perspective. Venus stations retrograde on the 20th, until late January 2022. In general this cycle can be a period of reflection and reassessment, convincing you to look at a wide spectrum of things like money, vocation and friendship. There is potential for high drama with Venus retrograde, but the energy serves to produce new foundations + structures for the future. The Capricorn energy strengthens from the 22nd, tightening up money squandering! On the 29th, Jupiter leaves Aquarius for Pisces to settle into your 10th house of ambition. 

Dates to watch; 4th, 10th, 19th, 21st, 25th.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Choose wisely, Cancer. The Sun in Sagittarius cycles around your 6th house of work, health and diet activating your need to organise your life. 

In romance, things may seem more dire than they really are; but in order to get back on track, you will need to quit playing the ‘blame game’ and focus on forging ahead. A Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius arrives on the 4th, merging with Mercury in your 6th house of personal responsibility.  A situation may be developing on the outer that you go above and beyond for - ask yourself if it is necessary? You wish to relax into the energy and rightly so, but the eclipse portal can really expand the emotions surrounding anger, jealousy and angst. Neptune has stationed direct in Pisces well and truly by this date, helping you to better understand a significant other. A water or fire sign individual may show great potential and serve as a mirror for your own discrepancies. On the 14th, Mercury moves into your 7th house of relationships as it shifts into Capricorn, your opposite sign. There can be a bit of friction felt in love and romance, but also a greater show of support may be evident from family or friends. The energies are compatible with you, so the way you react to a situation is really everything. Don’t exclude others on purpose - rather give people you care about a platform and safe space - this will only reinforce your power. Lean into it! 

On the 19th, a Full Moon in Gemini shifts into your private 12th house. Cancers are known for their extreme secrecy and this cycle only bends to that notion. The moon in Gemini however, loves to talk - and can recklessly let something slip. Toxic situations can define this trait even more, so it’s best to stay out of reckless behaviours with friends, partners or siblings. Your homework with this lunation is to step out of fear based thoughts and more toward personal alignment. Misunderstandings can feel troublesome but are in fact paving the way for a stronger 2022. The 12th house is intensely personal, if you do what you feel is right based on your own intuition, you can’t go wrong. Later that day, the planet of love and beauty, Venus turns retrograde in the authoritative sign of Capricorn. You are advised to create a Christmas budget and not blow spendings on gifts for family - as Venus tends toward luxury. The same cycle can bring back old flames and lovers, so don’t be surprised if you receive an email or text. This can complicate your current relationship as it brings up unfinished business. Regardless of what occurs for you personally, there is a fated element that keeps you questioning the current timeline. The Sun ticks over to Capricorn season on the 22nd and your attention turns toward diplomacy, negotiation and communication. It will be imperative to stay grounded but the hurdles that appear in your opposing sign can feel like an uphill battle. There is growth taking place and the pieces will settle in time. By the 24th, the final square between Saturn-Uranus swirls around shedding old and outworn values and plans. You are recombining and reuniting in new ways, don’t get carried away by the dynamic energy. Jupiter moves into Pisces on the 29th, intoxicating you with reckless abandonment. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 5th, 7th, 19th, 25th, 29th.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

There is success found in perseverance, Leo. Something you’re quite good at naturally, especially when the Sun is expressed through your sister-sign, Sagittarius. December is full of inspiration and emotion, as the Solar Eclipse on the 4th merges with Mercury in your 5th house of romance and expression. This cycle is charming and playful, inspiring you to look at your stance on fertility, pleasure and sex. It is also extremely profound because the 5th house is ruled by your very own sign - instinctively showing you that cosmic forces are at work here. There is a bridge open between the earth plane and the higher dimensions, demonstrating to you the fullness of love. Many of you can be tossing and turning over sensitive matters to do with a lover and can feel especially hard done by or victimised. Your ego is tied up with a water or air sign and some of you may be wallowing in ‘what if’ mentality. Your sign out of all the signs thrives of drama, but the energy of this karmic eclipse should be used to focus on restoring faith and optimism. It’s about aligning with true commitment and vulnerability, and hanging in there regardless of what the other person may do or express. On the 14th, Mercury moves into authoritative Capricorn and merges with Pluto and your 6th house of health and wellbeing. You are focused on your career and the direction you wish to steer it in. The assertive, independent side to you will be called upon, and you’ll have to look at the bigger picture without getting swamped by the finer details. Your services are scrutinised and noticed, so be sure that your reputation holds up in a social setting. 

Remain centred on the goal and you may just unexpectedly invite in a well suited coach or mentor. Generally, life is busy with family gatherings and invitations - you may be working toward perfection with a sibling relationship when really OK should suffice. It’s important to let everyone be their own person and not to feel so discouraged when they choose not to take your advice. Everyone is on their own journey and that is very evident mid-month. In your own way, you attempt to dismantle false powers that have a hold of you. Most Leo’s hate being controlled, so the media and fear mongering garnered by Covid is really taking a toll. You are choosing solitude more and more, and your expectation of other people is climbing. This can be very challenging for someone to live up to and this theme will be accentuated on the Full Moon in Gemini appearing on the 19th, dominating your social 11th house of popularity. A support network can really fill in for family at this time, and there is a divine underlying purpose to everyone you meet. It will be interesting to see if you hold yourself accountable for the same mistakes other people make. We are all human, try and remember that. A tense and awkward final Saturn-Uranus square appears one the 24th, straining relationships and business partnerships. The path to satisfaction may be hard to come by with this transit, and can pose as a lack of self-esteem. On the 29th, Jupiter moves into Pisces, beautifying your life and throwing caution to the wind. If there is something truly in your heart, then it's necessary you let it be free. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 4th, 12th, 19th, 20th, 29th.

VirgoAugust 23 - September 22

You glow from within this month, Virgo. The Sun in Sagittarius continues to traverse through your 4th house of family, belonging and ancestors.  On the 1st, Neptune moves direct in your opposite sign, Pisces, reminding you to practice a mindful and emotive response to the world around you. Harmony is at play here but the frequency is not grounding, be careful not to dwell in Neptune's illusionary qualities as it can totally confuse where you’re at and where you’re trying to get to. A Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, on the 4th, merges with the Sun and Mercury in your domestic 4th house. It’s possible you’re looking for a new flatmate or moving away, and the existing idea of ‘home’ is undergoing a serious makeover. How you approach family, routine and comfort is also changing - because you feel a certain sense of security and stability more than before. This lunation marks an increased time of awareness, of others and how they are treating you. There is an energy of repair in the air, and you’re busy cleaning, refining and redecorating. On the 13th, Mercury, your ruler, begins its transit of the romantic and creative 5th house. In the sign of Capricorn, you may come across more bold and direct, highlighting the power in being direct. From mid-month, you delight in spontaneity - there is something visceral about your need for sensuality, sexuality, intimacy. The mood cuts to the core of you and it is seriously liberating!

On the 19th, a Full Moon in Gemini hits your 10th house of ambition. This lunation can bring recognition and popularity, but the public eye can feel uncomfortable. New information can come out around your career, expanding an unusual possibility that will flower in 2022. This energy can manifest in other more serious ways, perhaps you are resigning from a job, being stood down or changing careers altogether. To make this work for you its best to lean into the intensity, feet firmly planted on the ground. A reset may be just what is needed. Venus will station retrograde on the 20th in the sign of Capricorn, affecting how a relationship progresses. Retrograde cycles affect budgets, money flow as well as love lives. A past romance may challenge you in some way, showing up in a very unorthodox way. You like for everything to appear neat and tidy and when it doesn’t follow the script, you fall into escapist tendencies. It’s a very personal moment in time, and Venus will urge you to rethink existing relationships and the dynamic they bring up. On the 24th, the final aspect between Saturn and Uranus takes place, in an agonising and awkward square. There will be more than a few bumps and bruises along the way, but how it will pan out for you personally will have much to do with what occurred around February 17th and June 14th. This clashing of planets causes people in our lives to rebel, so the struggle to persevere and preserve what we have can feel rather impossible. It’s an age old tale, Saturn - boundaries versus Uranus - freedom. It’s no wonder we are seeing so much discord on a global scale over mandates, corruption and personal freedoms. You no doubt have strong opinions yourself on what is going on collectively, and this intense square can drive your point even more. On the 29th, Jupiter merges with Neptune in Pisces, in your house of love. You are at the mercy of the one you love with this cycle, accepting to surrender and show up. 2022 will let more love in than you could ever possibly imagine, strive to meet it arms open. 

Dates to watch; 4th, 14th, 16th, 22nd, 27th.

LibraSeptember 23 - October 22

Give something enough time to develop, Libra. December is a high frequency month, where the heart-mind space connects with opportunity as you reclaim lost ground. On the 1st, we notice a significant shift in energy as Neptune, Pisces ruler, stations direct after months retrograde. This movement realigns you to pay attention to what catches your attention - and through the fractured lens of Neptune, you get a glimpse of what truly matters. A New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius occurs on the 4th in your communicative 3rd house - stimulating you on an intellectual front. You are busy, socialising and making connections that matter. A fire or earth sign may pique your curiosity, lending a helping hand as you climb the career ladder. In a year of evolution, this lunation can feel intensely personal - encouraging you to drop and release whatever you’ve outgrown. Remain alert in your environment because angels in disguise come across as seemingly normal individuals to begin with. From mid-month, Mercury shifts into your 4th house of family, so there is a bigger emphasis on reaching out to those from your past you may have drifted far from. Issues can be resolved with parents or siblings, and you particularly enjoy rehashing nostalgic memories. Some of you may also be lending a helping hand over the holidays by looking after a friend's pet or house-sitting for a cousin. The same day, Mars joins your 3rd house with the Sun and channels a more independent, assertive version of yourself. You may be tongue in cheek, provoking people with your wit and banter. A romantic flame or past partner can add to the fire here, so don’t be surprised if things escalate. 

A Full Moon in Gemini occurs on the 19th, in your philosophical, adventurous 9th house. You can deepen your spiritual bonds to certain people, or perhaps just regain some power that you’ve lost along the year from saying ‘yes’ too readily. A tendency to be impatient or impulsive follows you to this lunation, but the 9th house is far too wise for that. It can almost feel like you’re playing bad cop, good cop - with yourself - pulling out of some very sticky situations at just the right moment. Your ruler Venus stations retrograde in the sign of Capricorn on the 20th, where it will stay until late January 2022. This cycle is wonderful for re-evaluating partners and personal needs - but it's best to wait out making life-altering decisions, as it's certain your mind will change two or three more times. Venus is expressive by nature, but what you say can cost you your peace in the heat of the moment. Try not to strain an already uneven partnership beyond repair. Past karma is also a thing when Venus retrogrades, and it shouldn’t surprise you if an ex calls you up out of the blue. A tense and awkward final Saturn-Uranus square appears one the 24th, straining relationships and business partnerships. You can’t concentrate or focus on one task, as your mind seems to be on a number of situations to do with gossip - ‘here say’ about a sibling or family relation. On the 29th, Jupiter moves into Pisces, where it will stay until May 2022, after a year of back and forth between Aquarius. Tell the people in your life how much you love and adore them, this will be crucial in matching the energy Pisces expels back to you. 

Dates to watch; 4th, 8th, 10th, 19th, 20th.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Problems are solved, Scorpio. December is a month to follow impulses when they tell you to read, investigate or experience for yourself. You have been hard at work, radiating harmony and warmth into your profession, partners and peers. It’s now time to get some of that good energy back, the pursuit of happiness is lengthy but liberating. On the 1st, Neptune stations direct in its home sign, Pisces - a transit that favours your watery element. Truths are revealed through Neptunes kaleidoscope, but one has to really see with their heart - not their eyes. This means that the beginning of the month is driven by signs, symbols, synchronicities and divine messages - if you attune to what they reveal through meditation, exercise, yoga and dance, you will hear the wisdom reverberate. A powerful Solar Eclipse occurs on the 4th, in your 2nd house of finances, merging with Mercury and the Sun. You are attracted to possessions and comfort, making you appear materialistic when in actual fact you are not. There can be drama revolving around the services you offer, especially if you work for yourself. Sagittarius rules right - brain activity, so activities like drawing, signing and writing may connect the dots for exploring a new creative venture. News will revolve around your cash flow, don’t burden yourself with too many rules and regulations for the moment. Mars (one of your rulers) cements this ‘get money’ mood as it joins the 2nd house along with the Sun on the 14th. There is much to gain from this transit but you’ve got to push it along! 

You may be questioning where you stand with someone from the vibes you get especially around the 19th, when a Full Moon in Gemini shifts into the intimate 8th house. There is a certain angst following this lunation, so it will be truly important not to lock people out of how you’re feeling. Don’t erect high walls that keep you impossible to connect with. Follow your natural instincts and they can tell you a lot about a situation now. Experience will be key around this date, and you are VERY much the type that needs to fully immerse yourself in the matrix around you, if you are going to learn anything from it. Hearts can be in overdrive as our heads take a back seat, the key will be to surrender to what shows up for you. Healing others feels good, but the 8th house can be advanced in knowing healing thyself needs to come first. If that appears selfish to some passersby, so be it. A lightness will return when you smooth out the edges. From the 20th, love get’s a tad confusing as Venus turns retrograde where it will stay until late January. You infuse manifestations with belief, which really makes all the difference. If you’ve been thinking obsessively about someone, it would be a great time to call. Don’t judge yourself too harshly if this transit makes you feel a little out of whack, it's completely normal. The alchemy of the end of the month is something to behold, and you must rest if you intend to download the message. By the 24th, the final square between Saturn-Uranus swirls around shedding old and outworn values and plans. Much energy is expended if you try and keep everything on the surface, with this square it's just too hard to fly under the radar. Your immediate environment will play an important role here, be weary of newcomers. On the 29th, lucky Jupiter will leave Aquarius to enter Pisces, merging with Neptune in your sweet 5th house of fertility and abundance. 2022 wont play into the ‘survival’ narrative, promise yourself that!

Dates to watch; 1st, 4th, 15th, 17th, 20th, 27th. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Happy Birthday firecracker, I wish you abundance, awareness and divine acceptance. December is your season, and this month has many tantalising distractions with the Sun and Mercury in your sign - and most importantly, the final eclipse in the series which occurred between you and Gemini all of 2020/21. On the 1st, Neptune in Pisces stations direct after months of retrograde bringing a reality check! You are not blinded by the pretend possibilities anymore, your eyes are certainly very wide open. You experience bouts of deja-vu with this transit, as new people come into your life and strongly attract you to their kindred spirit. Prepare yourself for this process, if you are seeking love, by delving into unresolved feelings - so you don’t repeat the same old mistakes. On the 4th, the Solar Eclipse in your sign erupts merging with the Sun and Mercury, encouraging you to reinvent and transform your image. This lunation is deeply intense and motivating, giving you a boost in various areas of your life. The eclipse axis you have endured over these last 18 months has been hard to manage, breaking down barriers and boundaries you once thought made sense. A significant cross roads can be felt with every inch of your being, so approach the situation from the heart. It is most definitely a critical time - and boundaries must be respected and firmly stated. But, this message isn’t just to the people in your life - it's also to yourself, to respect your own emotion - to not cross the line. Give what you can, don’t go further! 

On the 14th, Mars enters your sign, bringing passion and prosperity. You are limitless with this transit, but you must honour the sacred gift of intuitive wisdom. Honour your place within the collective, this only benefits the whole! A lot can be done with Mars backing you, so be straightforward with your decisions. Certain people, especially family members seem to have only their own interests in mind and this can really provide a turning point within your relationship, one that you won’t back down from. Chiron in Aries stations direct on the same day a Full Moon in Gemini graces the night sky. Emotions come floating to the top, no matter how much you try to suppress them. A Full Moon in Gemini occurs in your interpersonal 7th house of commitment, marriage and relationship collaboration. True feelings emerge and can come as quite the surprise when you discuss them with a water or air sign individual. If someone has been driving an agenda, you will now come to understand why and what for - it will be up to you to welcome them back into your life. Are you sick of being the bigger person? Is there any need for it? Are you perhaps feeding a deeply unfulfilled, bottomless situation? You are evaluating the terms and conditions for 2022, don’t be shy about what level of comfort you expect in love and intimacy. Venus retrograde on the 20th will mirror what you allow - so it will be an excellent period to review and recalibrate. On the 25th, Venus forms a conjunction with Pluto - be careful with overspending over the festive season. The end of the month, marks another special date - as your ruler Jupiter leaves Aquarius for Pisces and enters your 4th house of home and family. You enter a period of comfort, where you seek people you know. Life is enchanting - let it remain that way. 

Dates to watch; 4th, 10th, 13th, 14th, 20th, 23rd, 29th.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

You wrap up loose ends in time for birthday celebrations, Capricorn. With the Sun in Sagittarius and your 12th house of privacy, the month revolves around themes of nesting and nurturing. Neptune, Pisces ruler stations direct, after months retrograde on the 1st of the month. Knowing and honouring your limit can bring great success with this transit - the rose coloured glasses are so easy to slip on but you are wiser than that. On the 4th, a Solar Eclipse takes place in the sign of Sagittarius, and enters the same 12th house, meeting Mercury and the Sun there. You are seeking spiritual wellness by moving steadily toward the goals you set for yourself in early 2021. What used to matter has changed, and your own desires and goals have shifted significantly over the course of the last 11 months. You are in a time of transformation; a time of healing; developing from what you used to be into what you are becoming. The groundwork is still being laid but you’re taking all the right turns. On the 13th, Mercury enters your sign, preparing itself for the season of the goat. You lean into the tiny part of your personality that can talk up a big game, and use your notorious ‘cut throat’ banter to get stagnant things moving. You are quick on your feet with this transit and less likely to procrastinate, at the same time, you’ll spearhead better ideas - getting them off the ground faster than one can say ‘boo’.

This month is intensely personal because Venus will retrograde in your sign until late January 2022  attracting all sorts of people to you. The charisma and magnetism is high, and people are flattered by your kind nature that can make just about anyone feel at home. You seldom realise the effect you have on people, and that is truly one of your charms - in this way you remain oblivious to people fawning at your feet. The retrograde will be in your 1st house of image and self, giving you a moment to review where you stand with a romantic partner - if you’re still unsure, and have been for some time - it may make sense to cut the cord. No matter how much it may hurt in the beginning. On the 19th, a Full Moon in Gemini occurs in your 6th house of routine and mental health. Business improvements are encouraging you to experiment and collaborate. You may need to cancel some plans in order for others to progress - how you do this will be completely up to you. Heated collaborative projects may need time to simmer down or a rather expensive slip up may occur. A fellow earth sign may make you dizzy with excuses, or alternatively a water sign may show you what you need to reflect on. Birthday season begins on the 22nd, improving your mood! A tense and awkward final Saturn-Uranus square appears one the 24th, straining relationships and business partnerships. Typical manifestations of this include; break ups, sudden make ups, career resignations or substantial losses of money. Wherever you feel as though you’re being squeezed will be accentuated now - this third and final instalment to the square is known to be the harshest. Hold onto your hats, there’s more that will eventuate over the next 4 weeks and it's going to be spicy. 

Dates to watch; 2nd, 10th, 13th, 19th, 22nd, 25th, 29th.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Consistency towards goals is the key to making the month work for you, Aquarius. December can work to your advantage if you follow some social cues and personal boundaries - the question is - can you handle the rules you’ve imposed on yourself? Will they lead to a better, overall outcome? On the 1st, Neptune in Pisces stations direct, tearing apart illusions you’ve entertained this year. You are ready to identify where you fall short and if in a committed relationship, expect to find your partner ready to meet halfway. On the 4th, a New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius occurs in the social 11th house of community and connection. The influence of Eclipse energy means you’re more concerned about meeting like-minded friends and surrounding yourself with people who give you a sense of peace and purity. It’s been a chaotic year, one that has gone out of its way to provoke you. You’ve lost and you’ve gained, now it is time to erect some personal boundaries and stick by them. If you want respect, you must respect yourself. The 11th house is deeply collaborative, but it's not just about platonic friends = Aquarius needs a lover who they can learn from, who stimulates their intellect and who they can banter with until the dead of night. Love is no longer obscure, you are ready to commit to a fire or water sign who involves you in grander plans. On the 14th, Mars joins the Sun and Mercury in the 11th house, strengthening the message it has come to teach you. A friend to all is a friend to none - let that be pondered. 

On the 19th, a Full Moon in Gemini in the 5th house brings a creative project to its knees. It’s no time for philosophies, although Gemini is keen to entertain just about anything. You must take stock of your life and see what you have around you. The natural response to this lunation is to apply the information you have and to make a change, shift the mindset, and stir toward the light. Emotions are heightened here and December can either make or break an attraction before it delves into something larger. There will be a big focus on the dynamic of love in your own life, enjoying circumstances for what they are. Venus retrogrades in Capricorn the next day, helping you to feel more confident in expressing your feelings. The 24th can be an awkward and pressurised day, when Saturn in your sign and Uranus in Taurus make a final square. If you’re not into something or someone, don’t pretend for their sake, as you’re only making things harder in the long run. After this date, you retreat back into yourself, preferring to scrutinise alone. A pattern may pique your interest and connecting the dots takes up your down time. People don’t know this about you, but you are a big home body - and this will be reflected in your choices after Christmas. Jupiter will square Uranus on the 24th, disorenantiing you from the job at hand. You may make an off the cuff remark and regret it instantly. On the 29th, Jupiter leaves your sign, after hopping back and forth throughout the year. Entering Pisces where it will remain until May 2022, you will notice doors opening you couldn’t have imagined 13 months ago. Although Jupiter loved spending time in your free thinking sign, it is in its domicile in Pisces, the sign it anciently ruled over. This transit will positively affect your house of money and resources, making you not only rich in spirit, but rich in real life. 

Dates to watch; 4th, 12th, 14th, 19th, 25th, 29th.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

It’s time to pause and reflect, Pisces. Sagittarius season broadens your horizons, helping you to look at ways you can be of service to those in your community. December increases personal freedoms but only if you take stock of your life and facilitate further changes from the heart. On the 1st, Neptune, your ruler, stations direct after months retrograde, helping you accomplish some of the tall tales you lead others into believing. You are gifted with making other people feel comfortable - appreciated and acknowledged, but do they do the same for you? Neptune direct isn’t groundbreaking per se, but can help you gain a clearer understanding of what it is you’re missing socially, romantically. You may be in higher demand from the get-go this month, and you notice a significant turn around from someone who had previously snubbed you. The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse on the 4th merges with Mercury, embracing your 10th house of ambition and career. It's evident that a new beginning is taking shape (one you’ve worked hard to manifest) and you’re keen to showcase your creative abilities in song, film, art or writing. The 10th house refines public image and if your reputation has had a battering you can now make a tactile plan to redeem yourself. Overall, the energy can feel wildly amusing and confusing, leaving you musing what it is you truly see - don’t fret, this is the effect Sagittarius has on a Pisces. 

On the 14th, confidence boosting Mars joins the others in this passionate 10th house. You have a great influence although you seldom believe it - choose wisely when picking colleagues, acquaintances and collaborators. They all reflect on you. If you’re sick of always coming up short financially, now is the time to do something about it - just be careful not to sharpen the ‘I deserve’ mentality - nothing good can come from the ego thinking it's owed more than its given. On the 19th, a Gemini Full Moon lights up your 4th house of home and family, creating harmony in your circle. Some may be moving in, moving out or moving away - big changes are transforming your idea of community and lifestyle. Harsh circumstances with drifting relatives remind you to manage your time better. Otherwise you just come off disinterested and further complicate an already strained relationship. If someone, especially an air or earth sign is always giving you the benefit of the doubt, this lunation may remind them to just leave. Don’t be too late to patch up the tear. Venus retrograde in Capricorn begins on the 20th, so you may reconsider a non-negotiable within a relationship. Are you showing up for an intimate partner to the best of your abilities? This transit will quiz you hard and you will be your own worst enemy if you don’t match the standard you test everyone else on. The next day, the Sun enters Capricorn, bringing your feet back to the ground. The earthy energy is fulfilling - nourishing and a guide to motivation. A tense and awkward final Saturn-Uranus square appears one the 24th, straining relationships and business partnerships. Typical manifestations of this include; break ups, sudden make ups, career resignations or substantial losses of money. The best is saved for last, as always, everything has a way of coming together for you in the 11th house; when Jupiter, the lucky planet moves into your sign on the 29th, aligning you to your core vision for 2022 and beyond. In your 1st house, this transit can feel like a real blessing encouraging you to multiply your god given abilities. 

Dates to watch; 2nd, 4th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 28th, 29th.